At Heart Mountain Academy, we believe in the infinite potential of every student. Attending HMA is a choice—an alternative learning experience to traditional high school.
With a maximum of 45 students enrolled at any time, you will receive the individualized attention and support you need to succeed in education and thrive in life. Additionally, we connect students and their families to wraparound social services to meet everyone’s needs. We value the uniqueness of every one of our students regardless of past or circumstance. Welcome to HMA, your home away from home.
HMA students help fourth graders learn about math codes. This is just one way HMA utilizes community involvement to enhance learning and leadership.
A small, personalized setting that meets our students' academic and social/emotional needs
A four-year course of study in english, math, science, social studies, and multiple electives
A post-grad focus on future job skills and/or post-secondary education
Small group instructional support
Reduced homework burden—students complete the majority of schoolwork during class time
A family and community based learning environment, which includes multiple Cody-based services for students and families
Community service and learning opportunities in the Cody and greater Park County area
Concurrent CHS enrollment for classes not available at HMA, including music, CTE, art, etc.
Participation in sports, dances, and other extracurricular high school activities
A Park County School District diploma that meets all Wyoming state requirements, including the Hathaway Scholarship and national accreditation guidelines
Heart Mountain Academy will purposely develop a culture of achievement by promoting:
A culture that is welcoming
A culture where the conditions for learning are ever-present
A culture in which we examine how our behaviors affect others, our world, and ourselves
A culture in which there is a shared belief that we are part of something special and great
A culture in which language creates and facilitates personal pride, purpose, and power
We believe that students who were unable to thrive in a comprehensive high school setting will find success in our smaller, family-oriented school of choice.
We believe every human being is worthy of dignity and respect. We believe all students can learn. Therefore, the whole student (personal, social, emotional, intellectual, work skills, safety, and security) is of concern, not just academic endeavors.