Student Support Services Office
(307) 527.6332
Our goal is to provide you answers and resources to help make your experience with your child a positive one. If you ever have any questions about the services your child receives, or if you feel your child should be receiving services, please give us a call. We are always happy to help you.
Park County School District 6 is committed to providing quality services to meet the needs of children and youth with disabilities in our schools. This district serves around 300 students with disabilities each year by providing special education and related services to meet each child’s specific needs. We provide services in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 and the WY Chapter 7 Rules: Services for Children with Disabilities.
Related services include but are not limited to:
Speech/language services
Occupational therapy
Physical therapy
Student counseling
Parent counseling and training services
Orientation and mobility services
Psychological services
School health and nurse services
Social work services
Special transportation
Every school building has a team of highly qualified special educators and related service providers dedicated to improving outcomes for these students. Please visit our Administration & Staff page to contact a member of our special services team.
The board of directors and staff of Park County School District 6 recognize that homelessness exists in our area and affects our students. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act defines the term "homeless children and youth" as those "who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence."
The district also recognizes that children who are homeless have the same rights to a free and appropriate public education as other school-age children, and we’re committed to ensuring that those rights are protected and honored. Homeless students may attend their school of origin or another school, depending upon the request of the parent or guardian and/or the best interests of the student. Park 6 will not stigmatize or segregate these students based on their homeless status. The district will provide homeless students with transportation to/from school.
The purpose of homebound services is to provide temporary educational instruction to any student enrolled in Park County School District 6 who is or will be hospitalized or homebound for more than one week due to injury, illness, or medical conditions that prevent the student from attending school. Homebound instruction does not duplicate the classroom activities, but does provide assistance to the student in learning classroom material missed and completing the assignments given. A homebound instructor will instruct the student in consultation with the student's teacher/s. Homebound instruction is provided as appropriate, upon written request of the parent/s or guardian/s via the homebound application and with the approval of the primary health care provider. You may also view PCSD6 Board Policy IHBF for additional information.